Category: Uncategorized
But wait! There’s more!
Some interesting developments in the evolution of technology, positive feedback about personal marketing, and a good rest have motivated TBYB! to start publishing again on a more regular basis.
Pardon our dust
I’ve finally decided to quit waiting for a “good time” and just go for a site remodel. In a perfect world these changes would have occurred discreetly, behind the scenes, and been rolled out gracefully when they were ready for prime time. Hello, (imperfect) world!
Goodbye Schmu, hello SPK
What do you think? How are we adults faring? Are young people getting slammed harder by commercial advertising than the rest of us? What do you think it would mean for kids to steal the tactics being deployed against them, to mold them into “a population of dip-shits,” and use them to power their own…
Welcome back!
Regular readers will recognize that I’m just returning to TBYB! from a couple of months off. It’s been a great summer break for me, and I hope for you as well. The first article in the new series is called How to choose a goal for your back-to-school marketing campaign. In it, we take a…
Summertime, and the livin’ is easy
TBYB is a strong proponent of identifying the life you want and trying to get it. I notice that the life I yearn for lately has more leisure and fewer commitments; unexpected morning adventures and lazy afternoons. So I’m going to take a break for a few weeks, and then I’ll be back with a…
Your assignment while I’m on the road
TBYB! is on vacation. Your assignment this week is to go back and implement one of the suggestions you’ve read about in a previous article. We’ll return next Monday to your regularly scheduled blog.
No brainer
Hey guys. I sat down late last night to publish the article I had written for you this week and discovered to my dismay that due to problems with my host (don’t get me started!) that version of the Wordpress database has vanished. ARGH!!!!! Hopefully this is a temporary situation that can be resolved from…
Happy Birthday to us!
Take Back Your Brain! is one year old this week, and what a year it has been! Researching and writing these articles for you has been a fascinating, exhilarating adventure, so thanks to each of you for a great ride. I have plenty of new articles planned for 2008, including a series that should be…
Road trip: Shoes
All of a sudden I saw a huge tree growing out of a dry wash. It could have been the only tree in the county, as far as I knew. As I drove closer I noticed there seemed to be something hanging from the tree. Lots of things, suspended from the tree in large clusters…