Category: Personal marketing

  • What Would Jesus Buy?

    What Would Jesus Buy?

    Bill Talen is an actor who noticed that the people who get away with standing in public spaces complaining loudly about the state of the world are preachers. He already owned a white caterer’s jacket because he worked at a restaurant, so he bought a collar and the character Reverend Billy was born. I’ve been…

  • They’re baaack!

    They’re baaack!

    The Christmas season is a fascinating time to study advertising methods. The rule set of the festival (everyone buys a gift for everyone else) ensures that more money is spent during these few weeks than at any other time during the year; thus the competition for holiday dollars heats up into a massive no-holds-barred persuasion…

  • Free mulch

    Free mulch

    In the blizzard of sensory input I encountered while driving through the neighborhood yesterday morning why did this particular sign catch my attention? There was nothing particularly attention-grabbing about it, other than being relevant to one of my goals. I submit it’s exactly that relevance, reinforced by my collage and slideshow ads, that made the…

  • The battle for your mind

    An amazing (and disturbing) video posted recently on YouTube. Think of your attention as the baby buffalo…

  • Use ads to focus on the outcome you want

    Use ads to focus on the outcome you want

    I can remember vividly how difficult it was to learn how to drive nails. When I was training we used to practice by pounding hundreds of long, thin 16 penny box nails into a large beam – trying over and over to drive them all the way in without bending. Most of them did bend…

  • Aren’t these just affirmations?

    Aren’t these just affirmations?

    Sure. Affirmations are messages to ourselves advocating things we want, repeated many times. That’s exactly what we’re doing. But 21st century technology gives us tools to do it really, really well. The idea was first introduced by a French psychologist named Emile Coue in the 1920’s. What has changed a great deal in 80-plus years…

  • Unexpected results

    Unexpected results

    Last week I wrote about making a virtual model of improvements I want to make to my front yard, and about how spending time “there” has helped me experience a future in which those changes have already happened. I also saved a picture of the model as my computer’s desktop background, and since then I…

  • Use software to imagine your future

    Use software to imagine your future

    Computers can dramatically increase our ability to imagine a desired outcome. That computer background is not just a digital picture on a screen. It’s a frequent reminder of pleasant time I have spent hanging out in a convincing visualization of my desired future. The changes I want to implement in my yard have already occurred…

  • Is advertising evil?

    Is advertising evil?

    The problem I have with advertising is not the fact that it exists, but that it’s so distracting. The ratio of messages that benefit advertisers to the ratio that benefit us is wildly unfavorable to us. In fact, the ratio is not just unfavorable; it’s a shut-out.

  • The REALLY personal ads

    Several years ago I began to wonder if there might be a way I could turn around all of the effort advertisers have put into conditioning me to be receptive to their marketing and use that training to my advantage. What would happen if I could control even a few of the messages I receive…