Author: Lynn
Road trip!
For the next 3 weeks I’m celebrating the achievement of a huge goal with a three week road trip in my new RV. Seeing America, baby! Normally I stay pretty close to topic on this blog, but since I believe it was personal advertising that got me into the position to be able to do…
4 ads that really stoked my RV marketing campaign
My early ads in the RV ad campaign were mostly just pictures that I downloaded from manufacturer’s websites. They worked well to keep the idea in my consciousness, and prompted me to take many actions that I’m sure I would not have otherwise. However, as the campaign went on I discovered a few other techniques…
How I got an RV with my most successful ad campaign
I just met a HUGE goal, largely due to a relentless advertising campaign I’ve been waging on myself for the last couple of years. Two years ago purchasing a motorhome seemed impossible. By last month it felt inevitable. Today I have a new RV sitting in my driveway. I’m completely convinced advertising is what made…
Get the t-shirt
Normally we buy souvenirs after we do something we’ve been dreaming about: t-shirts, mugs, postcards, whatever. TBYB suggests front-loading your souvenir shopping instead. That is, buy the t-shirt first to jump-start the process.
Punch up your headline with Phrases that Sell
A key piece of our strategy here at TBYB! is to borrow the tools that advertisers use to persuade us and deploy them in the service of our own goals. Before Phrases that Sell, the text usually felt like the weakest part of my ads because I didn’t know what I was doing. Now I…
Write a headline for your cell phone ad
Look around you. Most of the ads you see contain both text and images. With all of the zillions of dollars at the industry’s disposal to test the effectiveness of different advertising methods, one has to assume that we see the image/text combination so frequently because it works. With the addition of one word to…
Change the picture on your cell phone screen
How many of you have a photo of your pet as the background image on your cell phone screen? I must admit that I still do, even though I’ve been writing about personal persuasion for almost a year. Loyal readers know that I adore my dog. It makes me happy to see his picture and…
Free mulch
In the blizzard of sensory input I encountered while driving through the neighborhood yesterday morning why did this particular sign catch my attention? There was nothing particularly attention-grabbing about it, other than being relevant to one of my goals. I submit it’s exactly that relevance, reinforced by my collage and slideshow ads, that made the…
How to build a motivational poster ad campaign
I think of a campaign as several ads that work together to deliver persuasive messages about the same objective. I’ve found that making a group of ads around the same theme has the potential to create a very powerful synergy. Each of the ads can illustrate a different facet of your theme, and thus reinforce…
Make a motivational poster at Big Huge Labs
Motivator is a free online tool that lets you upload a photo, add some text, and choose a border. It then spits out a really professional-looking poster that you can either order as a large print or save to your computer to use in ad delivery systems you may already have in place. You do…