Author: Lynn
The Merchants of Cool
More than any generation in history, people who are young today are not free to create an authentic culture of their own. Instead their hopes and desires are intensively studied by marketers, then amplified and sold back to them in a diabolical feedback loop. That’s the premise of the PBS Frontline documentary “The Merchants of…
How does your marketing stack up to Super Bowl ads?
TBYB encourages you to level the playing field, as it were, by stepping up the production values of your own advertising. Though you’ll likely never decide to sink a million bucks into producing an ad to influence yourself, it’s certainly possible to add a little color, a photograph, or a slogan. Rather than just writing…
No brainer
Hey guys. I sat down late last night to publish the article I had written for you this week and discovered to my dismay that due to problems with my host (don’t get me started!) that version of the Wordpress database has vanished. ARGH!!!!! Hopefully this is a temporary situation that can be resolved from…
My exercise ad campaign
For the past three weeks we’ve been looking at a tool that marketers use to understand and manipulate human motivation – Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I showed you how to locate a goal you have for yourself on the hierarchy of needs, intentionally frame your messaging about that behavior to a different layer on the…
Target your hierarchy of needs – part 3
In part one of this series, I showed you how to manipulate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to decide how to best frame a message to motivate yourself. In part two we selected a slogan, took photos, and developed a creative concept. This week we’ll create the ads for your campaign and set up an automatic…
Target your hierarchy of needs – part 2
In part two of this series I show you how to develop an ad campaign that targets a level on the hierarchy of needs, including how to select a slogan, do the photo shoot, and and discover your creative concept.
Target your hierarchy of needs – part 1
Advertisers are very interested in what motivates our behavior. One of the models they use to understand motivation was developed in 1943 by the psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow studied healthy, high-functioning people and from that research postulated a five level hierarchy of human needs. Maslow’s thinking goes that humans are motivated to meet these needs…
How to rotate picture ads with the Vista Sidebar Slide Show
Using some kind of “widget” to run a little slideshow in the corner of my computer’s desktop is my very favorite way to deliver advertising images to myself. It works well because the set-up is easy, delivery is automatic, and I see the ads frequently because I spend a lot of time at my computer…
Advertise to your friends and family with custom postage stamps
Alerting the people around you to your goals has many positive benefits: * Someone else now holds the idea of you doing this thing in their mind, in addition to you. * They are likely to ask you about it, which gives you an opportunity to talk about your goal. * It creates the opportunity…
What Would Jesus Buy?
Bill Talen is an actor who noticed that the people who get away with standing in public spaces complaining loudly about the state of the world are preachers. He already owned a white caterer’s jacket because he worked at a restaurant, so he bought a collar and the character Reverend Billy was born. I’ve been…