Author: Lynn
Motivate yourself with rewards and threats
Thanks to a reader from Canberra, Australia for sharing these awesome personal marketing ideas. Most of the time TBYB advocates advertising about stuff you DO want, but I think the results here speak for themselves.
Should I sell your attention?
Take Back Your Brain! wrestled with an interesting ethical dilemna this week. For the first time, someone approached me with an offer to advertise on the site. It was a pretty decent offer, too – more than two hundred dollars for doing very little work. Thinking about that offer provided an opportunity for me to…
Your assignment while I’m on the road
TBYB! is on vacation. Your assignment this week is to go back and implement one of the suggestions you’ve read about in a previous article. We’ll return next Monday to your regularly scheduled blog.
Holy piranha, Batman!
You’re exposed to some kind of persuasive message every 7 seconds, on average, for your whole life. And every one those messages has at least one thing in common with the others: ALL of them are about someone else’s priorities!
Personal marketing in the bathroom: better than taking a magazine!
Thanks to “Bathroom Reader” for suggesting my new favorite location to place ads. Early testing indicates that this location is a winner, folks!
Target market research (It’s all about you)
One of the first rules of marketing is to understand as much as you can about who you’re trying to market to. The clearer picture you have of your target consumer, the better you can position your product to meet their needs. In the case of commercial or social marketing, the target consumers are other…
Ads on the moon? Are you freaking kidding me?!
If there were truly ads on the moon it would mean there is no place on earth – not a single one – that is free of marketing messages. But consider how close that is to being true already. From the time we wake up in the morning until we fall asleep again at night…
Marketing 101
After taking a marketing class winter quarter I’m more convinced than ever that it’s where the action is when it comes to understanding and changing human behavior, and therefore those of us who are motivated to grow can benefit greatly from learning about its fundamental techniques. Marketing includes deciding exactly what you’re selling, honestly assessing…
Your brain wants benefits
The reward centers of your brain seem to be stimulated by anticipating a benefit in a way that’s very similar to actually receiving it. The implication for marketing is that you can create a very rewarding experience for your consumer – you – by helping yourself to vividly imagine how good the outcomes of a…
How to make a quick text ad on your Windows Mobile device
Here’s a quick and easy ad hack for Windows Mobile users: write a text message on your Owner Information screen, and set it to display every time you turn the device on. It’s a great place to display a goal or affirmation that you really want to keep in your awareness for a couple of…