Summertime, and the livin’ is easy


TBYB is a strong proponent of identifying the life you want and trying to get it. I notice that the life I yearn for lately has more leisure and fewer commitments; unexpected morning adventures and lazy afternoons. Larger areas of white space, to use a publishing metaphor.

Sounds like someone who needs a vacation, doesn’t it? So I’m going to slow down the writing pace for a little while, to enjoy the summer and recharge the ol’ battery. Maybe I’ll plant a mental cover crop. What I’m saying is, it will be longer than usual before the next post.

No reason to wait for me to get more control over your attention, though. If, you’re raring to go with your personal marketing campaign, this site is loaded with material to get you started. 10 steps to powerful personal marketing is a great place to begin. Another really easy place to start is Make a motivational poster at Big Huge Labs.

Other popular jump-off points include:

Oh, and if you too are scheming about how to spend your summer vacation – or especially if you’re one of our southern hemisphere friends in the middle of winter right now – you might want to check out Advertise your way to paradise and Put yourself in the picture. Bon voyage! Drop us a postcard in the comments.

I’m going to take a break for a few weeks, and then I’ll be back with a new season of posts about personal marketing, in which I’ll show you step-by-step how to take control of your own attention by advertising to yourself. If you’ve not done so already, you can subscribe to my RSS feed to be notified when the series begins again.


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